
Arij zorgde voor de win in de tweede wedstrijd tegen de Twins op zaterdag

23-08-2020 eerste win

Tegen de Storks heb ik de eerste win van het seizoen binnen gehaakd

8-8-'20 weer een safe

2e safe in 2 wedstrijden dit keer tegen DSS

First safe 2020

Met dank aan Alfred


game vs pioniers

First safe

Clinic at The Eagles

On thuesday 21 march I gave a training on the field of The Eagles in Deventer. I liked that people where interested in participating in a training from me. During this training I taught the players some stuff I learned myself during my training. 

Sportgala Amsterdam 2018

As european champions we were honored during the sportgala of the city Amsterdam

Recordings for Zapp sport at the Super 6

We got to help with the recordings of Zapp sport. The callenge: could someone hit a Homerun with only one day of training? The subject Daan had the help of former HCAW and Team Kingdom NL player Vince Rooi. We had to stand in the field to field the balls Daan hit. It was very fun to do.

EK in Grosseto, Italy

Arij Fransen has been selected for the Dutch Junior Team. 

The baseball player from Deventer goes with the national team to the European Championship in Italy. On July 1st, the 17-year-old pitcher travels with his team to regensburg in Germany to have a final traings camp. From there the baseball selection flies to Italy for the European championship in Grosseto. There the Netherlands start on Monday against Great Britain. Two days later thy will play against the Czech Republic. On thursday 12 and Friday 13 July, France and Ukraine have to be defeated. Then the Semi-finals on saturday. The final will be on sunday.